Terms of Use
Website ("AllGlassParts.com") Terms of Use
All access to and use of this Website is governed by these terms. Entering into this Website indicates that you have reviewed the Website Terms of Use and have agreed to be bound by these terms.
All information provided on this Website is subject to change without notice. While efforts have been made to make this Website helpful and accurate, due to the open nature of this Website, and the potential for errors in the storage and transmission of digital information, AllGlassParts.com does not warrant the accuracy of information obtained from this Website. ALL MATERIALS POSTED ON THIS SITE ARE "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. AllGlassParts.com DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AllGlassParts.com DOES NOT WARRANT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED ON THIS SITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THIS SITE OR THE SERVER ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. AllGlassParts.com DOES NOT WARRANT OR REPRESENT THE USE OF THE MATERIALS ON THIS SITE IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE.
Minimum Order
A $4.95 CAD small order charge applies on shipped orders less than $25.00 CAD.
All prices are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Due to uncertain market and currency exchange conditions, we cannot guarantee the prices shown in our price list will be the same when you order. We will inform you of price changes prior to shipping.
NET prices are not discountable.
All prices in catalogue or quoted do not include GST or other sales tax.
Toll-Free Ordering (Canada & USA)
Orders may be placed toll free by using any one of the following methods:
* Fax: 1-877-484-1209
* Phone: 1-800-661-9951
* Email: parts@allglassparts.com
Hours of Operation
Our standard hours of operation are 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM MST, Monday thru Friday
Please have following information ready when ordering:
1. Part Numbers & Quantities
2. Billing & Delivery Information
3. Purchase Order Number
Back Orders
Our pledge is for quick and efficient processing of your orders. However, due to the nature of our business, stock shortage will occur from time to time. Back orders are noted on your invoice. You will be phoned when we can fill your back order to confirm your requirements. Back orders will be shipped freight collect. The $25.00 minimum order policy does not apply to back orders.
All shipments are FOB Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Orders shipped via MAIL or DHL Express (Loomis) can be sent prepaid with the shipping costs added to your invoice. All other carriers will be shipped freight collect.
Damaged Goods
Please inspect all freight for visible damages prior to signing for goods. Do not accept cartons which show damage or are open. Once goods are signed for, claims for damages cannot be made.
COD Shipments
All-Glass Parts Inc. will not ship orders C.O.D.
Prepaid Orders / Charge Cards
Fax (toll free) your order or call toll free; orders may be charged to your VISA or MASTERCARD. Please have Account Number, Expiration Date and Cardholder's Name on fax or ready at time of call.
Open Account Terms
1% (12% annually) may be charged on all balances over 30 days. Accounts past 30 days may be put on hold.
We are constantly adding new products to our inventory. If you do not see the required product in our catalogue, mail your sample to our customer service department. We will contact you with price and ordering information. Be sure to include your name and phone number with sample. Sample will not be returned unless requested.
Electrical items are non-returnable.
No Returns after 90 days of purchase
- 15% restocking charge
- Prepaid freight and insurance at customer's expense.
- Include copy of invoice.
- Full credit (no refunds) will be issued on returnable product as described below:
- Returns accepted for product purchased within the last 6 months only
- Parts must be AS NEW.
- We will determine condition of returned parts and issue a credit only for those parts which are AS NEW.
- Do not return scratched or damaged parts; no credit will be issued and damaged parts will be discarded.
- Cut to size, special orders, electrical parts and supplies with a shelf life are not returnable.
If we make an error in your shipment, a full credit will be issued and parts may be returned freight collect; All Glass Parts Inc. will advise method of shipment when you call.
Access and Use of Information
Access to this Website is limited to viewing the linked Web pages solely for legitimate business purposes to access the information provided by AllGlassParts.com at this Website. Any access or attempt to access other areas of the AllGlassParts.com computer system or other information contained on the system for any purposes is strictly prohibited. You may not use any information contained on this Website other than in connection with a legitimate business purpose.
This Website contains many AllGlassParts.com and third-party trademarks and service marks. All marks are the property of their respective companies. All rights in the intellectual property contained in this Website including copyright, trademarks, trade secret and patent rights are reserved. Access to this Website does not constitute a right to copy or use any of the intellectual property of AllGlassParts.com, or its suppliers, manufacturers, or brands.
Hypertext Links
This Site may be linked to other sites which are not maintained by AllGlassParts.com. AllGlassParts.com is not responsible for the content of those sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by AllGlassParts.com of the sites. AllGlassParts.com disclaims any liability for links: (i) from another Website to AllGlassParts.com; and (ii) to another Website from AllGlassParts.com.
All materials contained on this Site are subject to the ownership rights of AllGlassParts.com and its Supplier, Manufacturer, and Brand Partners. AllGlassParts.com hereby authorizes you to make a single copy of the content herein for your use in learning about, evaluating, or acquiring AllGlassParts.com services or products. No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on this Site.