Easy Glass Slim Base Shoe (Fascia Mount) (10' S/L)
Part Number: 18-16.6905.300.18
Sold by: Package
Type: Outdoor/Indoor
T size Glass thickness: 1/2" (12mm) monolithic glass.
Quantities: 20 white supports pieces, 20 blue supports pieces, 1 grey length (10;), 1 black length (10')
Material: Aluminum
? | B | L | H | T (Glass Thickness) |
10' (3048 mm) | 1/2'' (12mm) |
The economical solution in our range of minimalist glass railing systems. Easy Glass(R) Slim is a complete affordable solution that includes an integrated water drainage channel inside the base shoe for practical use.
For large job quantity pricing, please call 800 661 9951
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